23 April 2010

Gym membership....

     As I am sure you can guess by the title I am planning on entering the world of gym membership.. How will this work out? Well I hope. I still have weight to lose from having my DS. I considered just doing a yoga class here in town but really one day a week wouldn't be enough. My friend Britt is doing a spinning class but it's in the town over so that's a 30 minute drive (one way!) that I don't want to add onto my mornings. So I will be joining Club 24 and going a minmum of three nights (yes I said nights) a week. Why nights? I need a work out partner and DH agreed to work out with me (if I did a similar workout plan as him :( not my first choice but oh well) and he is currently working swing shift. So at 11:30ish at night 3 days a week I will be exercising... The girl who would normally be my work out partner is Pregnant so she is avoiding like the plague and time of exercise exercise.... Though I am positive light exercise will pregnant is fine as long as she doesn't over do it. But this is her choice and some people are like that when they are pregnant. I know I was less active when I was pregnant. Partly because I was lazy and partly because I had high risk pregnancies..
      Hopefully blogger doesn't "lose" this post like my last attempt into the dark abyss of cyber nothingness.. I know if I cut back on my caffeine levels 5 days a week it would probably help with my goal. But alas caffeine keeps me sane and nicer while I am at work, so it stays... For now at least. There is no actually diet plan in my future. Just let the record show. I have toyed around with the idea of a diet but really I hate the idea of it. All that keeps running through my mind is dieting never really works as soon as you stop you will gain the weight back (and then some usually) you have to have a lifestyle change when it comes to eating. So I am just going to eat healtier.. Not that I eat too unhealthy. I eat plenty of fruits and veggies... I just need to eat less of the unhealthy stuff.. You know donuts or desserts or fried foods.. This weekend we are suppose to have dinner on Saturday at my bbf and her fiance's new house.  So let's all hope for nice weather since I believe it'll be like a 45minute drive. Which I don't want to make in 20 to 40mph winds. (I am not kidding around here that's not that odd).. Last night I made a big pot of taco soup which is what we will have to dinner tonight.
      I can't remember if I mentioned in an earlier post but my BIL (who is like 17) is now living with us. So far it's working out okay but he just moved in officially last weekend. I say officially because he was sleeping at our house 4 to 5 days a week anyways before that.

1 comment:

  1. muh... I should join a gym.. not excited about it though.
