26 July 2011

Day 10012?

           I need a theme to my blog I think. Okay maybe theme is the wrong word. All the blogs I follow all seem to have a common thread in their blog. Craftiness or about reaching some goal or whatever. I have nothing like that it is all random. I like crafts and stuff I just don't feel like I have the time to craft all the time little lone take the pictures and create the posts.. maybe one day some day.. I have goals but I don't know how interesting it would be for anybody to read my weight loss progress. I have read a lot of blogs about getting out of debt, but I am not going to blog about that for a couple reasons. Such as DH would be unhappy with me posting our finances on the internet and besides our small mortgage on the house we remodeled and are in the processing of selling we don't really have much other debt (IE car payment). Of course it would be better if we have zero debt but DH is okay with having certain debt (such as a mortgage). I am greedy and want no debt and to save a bunch of money. So where does that leave me in finding something to blog about on a regular basis?? Right back at where I started.. I guess I will just keep thinking on it. If you have suggestion feel free to share. Well, I just thought I would post and say that we are all alive and well here, just a little boring.  We have spent our summer working and spending time at the ocean and in the mountains with my wonderful SIL and her adorable kids. 

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