20 November 2011


So far this month I have had surgery on my left arm, releasing my ulnar nerve and carpal nerve in three places and the stitches have been removed. I still cannot get the incisions wet (after the 24th in theory I will be able to) and I still have to do most things one handed. The one handed thing drives me absolutely batty. I never realized how much I use my left hand for. It is frustrating. I start physical therapy here shortly and will slowly be able to use my left hand and arm more. Its not that my left hand and arm aren't functioning I am just on doctors orders to not use it. My wonderful SIL came and stayed with us the first week after my surgery to help and all that fun stuff. It was pleasant, we made some Reese's cupcakes and since I am one handed for the time she did most of the making.
Yummy deliciousness
         I also went to the eye doctor and got new glasses.. I don't have horrible eyesight by any means I am farsighted in my left eye but not even enough so that I would be able to use the +1 glasses or whatever they sale at the store, my prescription is lower and only for my left eye. The optometrist said I could probably go without glasses all the time if I wanted but since I am prone to migraines he gave me a prescription to use while I am reading or working on the computer or that I could wear all the time if I do so choose.  I got glasses even though my prescription didn't change from the last time but I got the anti-glare coating on these ones (which are not on my other ones) so if I forget my glasses at work (which has been known to happen) I can still wear my other pair at home when I need. I personally think my new glasses are adorable.
Adorable glasses if I say so myself
          I got rid of my red hair awhile back (I have had pretty consistently red/auburn hair since I was 17) and went back towards my natural dark blonde hair. This lasted oh all of a few months, I don't know why but I just do not really care for my natural hair color, I always like the way I look with red hair (much like my aunts hair when they were younger but theirs came naturally). DH has been pushing for my hair to be black which I am still against so at the moment I would say it's a medium to darkish brown color as a compromise. We will see if it grows on me so to speak but odds are I will be going back to that auburn that I just prefer, I mean I have been choosing it rather steadily for around a decade now (wow that sentence makes me feel old).
          We will be spending Thanksgiving this years with my in-laws, this is a first for me. We spend a lot of other holidays with them, Thanksgiving has always been with my family. I am kind of sadden that this year won't be with my family but alas it just isn't meant to be I guess. My sister is stationed overseas and unable to make it back this year, my brother made other plans, my father has to work and DH has to work that evening and I just cannot cook and prepare a Thanksgiving meal by myself one handed for the boys and me, my dad would come before or after work depending on when we did it but that would be it. My dad has been invited to spend it with my aunt and cousins and such, so he won't be alone. The boys and I were invited to join our in-laws so that is what we will be doing this year but next year we will be spending it with my family, I will be able to use both hands at that time. I have completed about 80% of my Christmas shopping, thank goodness. I am ending this now because it takes me ten times longer (it feels like a thousand times longer) to type this with one hand instead of two. I hope that all of you out there are well and life is treating you and yours good.

10 November 2011

Stir Crazy

     I am going stir crazy and its only Thursday.. I had surgery to have two nerves released in three spots on my left arm on Monday, I took what I hope will be the last pain pill I will need to take on Tuesday (I loathe how I will on pain pills). It takes me I swear 5 times longer to type with my right hand which is all I can use right now. My left arm is wrapped and in a sling immobile for who knows how long. It makes sleeping difficult, I can't knit or crochet or sew for that matter. I can't do anything for very long besides watch TV which isn't how I want to spend my time. I don't need to gain weight. I need to figure out exercises I can do that will not jar my left arm, its pretty chilly out so i can only go for walks for so long before my nose feels like its going to fall off. I am open to any suggestions from anybody. Guess I will go nap they say you heal faster when you sleep.

18 October 2011

Update October

              I know I know I am horrible at the blogging thing, I keep hoping to get better at it but I am failing miserably at it. So as we all know Halloween is coming up and as a parent to two little boys that means at least two costumes.  
              I let them pick out their costumes. DS1 is going to be a ninja and he is quite excited about it. I did end up purchasing this online since it was the best deal I could find and he was quite specific on wanting to be a black and red ninja. 

              DS2 wanted to be a ninja turtle, he didn't care which ninja turtle as long as he got to be a ninja turtle. A friend of ours son was a ninja turtle a few years ago, gave use their costume to use for Halloween.  So now our youngest is excited
to wear his ninja turtle costume and has been telling everybody he sees how he is going to be a ninja turtle for Halloween.

DH doesn't have any desire to dress up this year, we are going to a costume party the Friday before Halloween but as he will be coming after he gets of work he is insisting his work clothes will be sufficient. I on the other hand am trying to come up with a costume I can wear to this party and to work on Halloween (we dress up at work).  I do not feel like spending 40$ or more to purchase a costume that is cheaply made. So I am trying to work with what I already have or I can purchase at a craft or thrift store and make into a costume. I am considering gypsy, steam punk, pirate or something like red riding hood.  The only reason steam punk is even being considered is because I am also invited to a steam punk themed party but it sees to be expensive coming up with a steam punk costume even if you buy thrift do to the accessories. My sewing machine is still broken so it puts a snag in making a costume. Any suggestions anybody?

              Things are slowing down at work as we get closer and closer to the winter months, which is good. Classes this term seem to be going well, thus far I have A's in all my classes which makes me happy (am just nerdy like that). Whether it stays that way or not we will see. I have yet to get anything besides an A from any college course I have taken but there is always a first time for everything. I am scheduled for surgery on my left arm on the 7th of November. On top of that I have jury duty for the month of November. For some crazy reason they actually expect me to remember to call every night for the month of November starting Oct 31st to see if I have jury duty the next day and at which location. I am getting waived for the time I have to be out for surgery but since I do not need use of my arm to attend jury duty and it's day surgery it is only being waived the day of surgery and for pre-op. 

              I have begun my Christmas shopping, just this last weekend actually. I hope to be done before black Friday.  Wish me luck. I hope all of you out there are doing well and enjoying your fall season.

26 July 2011

Day 10012?

           I need a theme to my blog I think. Okay maybe theme is the wrong word. All the blogs I follow all seem to have a common thread in their blog. Craftiness or about reaching some goal or whatever. I have nothing like that it is all random. I like crafts and stuff I just don't feel like I have the time to craft all the time little lone take the pictures and create the posts.. maybe one day some day.. I have goals but I don't know how interesting it would be for anybody to read my weight loss progress. I have read a lot of blogs about getting out of debt, but I am not going to blog about that for a couple reasons. Such as DH would be unhappy with me posting our finances on the internet and besides our small mortgage on the house we remodeled and are in the processing of selling we don't really have much other debt (IE car payment). Of course it would be better if we have zero debt but DH is okay with having certain debt (such as a mortgage). I am greedy and want no debt and to save a bunch of money. So where does that leave me in finding something to blog about on a regular basis?? Right back at where I started.. I guess I will just keep thinking on it. If you have suggestion feel free to share. Well, I just thought I would post and say that we are all alive and well here, just a little boring.  We have spent our summer working and spending time at the ocean and in the mountains with my wonderful SIL and her adorable kids. 

23 June 2011


            As I might have mentioned in my last post, we have finally finished our house remodel and listed to sale. It is kind of sad to finish and then sale just to buy another one to remodel. This time we will complete the remodel before moving in. I was originally planning on going to visit my SIL this weekend but I decided to do a 5K instead. Wish me luck, I am so not the marathon type. I figured it might be fun and well I got talked into it. The race is at 8am so it should only be around 80 degrees at most at that time. It's crazy to think just a couple days ago it was unseasonable cool here and raining (which it rarely does we normally have 300 days of sunshine) and now its in the 90's by the time I go to work in the mornings.
        If I survive the 5k. :) Then the plans are to hang out with my best friend, DS1 and DS2 and go to a locally festival/celebration. Then after DH gets off from work BBQ and take the kids to go see the fireworks. All and all it should be a decent weekend. Next weekend is the 4th of July weekend, my SIL and the girls might come visit for the weekend. If they do I want to do a family BBQ with my in-laws and do some festive decorations. I am thinking I might take some ideas from the wonderful blog of The Hostess {with the mostess} 4th of July Pinwheel Party post. If you haven't seen her blog, I would recommend checking it out. I hope that you all are well and having an awesome Thursday! I bid you all adieu until next time. 

11 June 2011

Today will mark day 9968

                It has been awhile since I last blogged. Laziness on my part, I know. We decided to lay wood floors in the back room and the utility room. It ended up looking really nice. Probably much better then the tile would have considering the rest of the house has wood floors. We have managed to put up the trim throughout the entire house and do all the painting. I think the house is now officially completely remodeled. I also realize that depending on how long we are here DH will undoubtedly find something else to remodel. I accept that about him and choose to find it endearing. :) We should have taken before and after pictures of the remodel but alas we didn't. Oh well we can always do it next time. Yeah I already agreed to purchase another house for remodel. I must be insane. But at least we won't be living in this house during the remodel. 
                  Today is Sushi tonight. I am not super big on Sushi, I will eat it but I don't love it like DH and some of my friends. On another note we are doing a weight loss competition at work. It is based on percentage lost instead of lbs lost to make it fairer for all the participants. So wish me luck, it would be great to lose some weight and wear a size closer to my pre-babies size. 

05 May 2011

Day 9930

                 Sorry it has been so long since my last post, my laptop charger just up and died on we randomly. I ordered a new one but when I received it, it didn't work either. So after contacting the company I am awaiting my new new charger and hopefully it will work right. Currently at this exact moment I am borrowing a charger for a little bit to charge my battery and make this post. I have been busy, I have made a few aprons for my nieces, which I think turned out stinking cute. I am in the middle of making a baby blanket for my friend, who's baby shower is the 21st, so I really need to finish it. It is such a pretty green. I have a house guest, a friend who I became friends with in Kindergarten. She is moving back to the area and her and her kids are staying in our guest room for at least the rest of this week. So the house is crazy hectic but that's okay. It does make it harder to stay on top of the cleaning so tonight I will have to really get on it. Along with finishing my dress.  What dress you may ask.

                  Well, I am making a dress for a murder mystery dinner party this weekend, this Saturday at 4 to be exact. The time is 1928 and I am a reporter. DH's outfit is all ready to go. In fact I made sure he had a couple options to chose from. The main part of my dress is complete but I have a sheer overlay I want to put on the top part down to the drop waist but not covering the handkerchief skit. It would be much easier if I had a pattern but I am kind of making it up as I go along. So if for some reason I don't complete this overlay, I am sure I could just wear it as is. Along with my t-strap shoes, cloche hat, my 3 "pearl" necklaces (2 I made, 1 that is a real pearl necklace I inherited) and be good to go.Well and I need to go pick up some stockings to wear. Since I am growing my hair out it's longer then really appropriate for the time period, I considered getting a wig but decided pin curls and the cloche hat should be fine.
                      Last weekend I went out to 80's night locally, had a blast dancing to 80's music all night. Though if I ever go again it will not be in stiletto heels, my feet were sore after 4 1/2 hrs of dancing in high heels. Like my friend said it is kind of scary I had so much clothes on hand to dress 80's. I found out about an hour before we left and I wore stilettos, leggings, legwarmers, a short petticoat under a short black skirt, a tank top with another shirt over it that hung off from one shoulder, giant hoops, long multiple layered chain and cross necklace and big hair. It was lots of fun and it is looking like a pattern here last Saturday the 1980's and this Saturday 1920's what about next Saturday?? Hmmm maybe I can find something to do that would involve dressing the 1940's or the 1950's... Probably not.
                 I will leave you with Happy Cinco De Mayo! That is right I'm not above using obscure Mexican battles to bake and celebrate.

25 April 2011

Day 9920

           I hope you all had an enjoyable Easter and weekend. Saturdays and Sundays are my normal days off (except for having to go into work a few hours on some Sundays that is, like this Sunday). We had a crazy hectic weekend crammed full of stuff, I feel like I didn't get any rest but DS1 and DS2 had a blast so it was all worth it. Friday night DH and I took DS1 & DS2 to the flashlight Easter egg hunt that our town puts on. They separate the kids into age groups to make it more "fair". DS1 got one egg since he would give/let the little girls have all the other eggs he found. DS2 got two eggs and lost a shoe (which we found later) but he got ran over by some other kids (he was the youngest in this age group and it was the group with the widest age span); luckily he wasn't hurt. So the boys got candy in their little plastic eggs and a pool pass. They insisted they had fun but I am not sure we will be doing it again next year. 
          Saturday we spent the day cleaning the cars and the house, dying the eggs that were hard boiled (plastic tablecloth and all on the table), having dinner at a friend's house and the regular Saturday stuff like laundry. Of course I was up late making the cake for Easter dinner with the in-laws. Sunday was even more crammed full of stuff, DH had to work so it was just DS1 & DS2 and I until 4. We got up early, had breakfast, got ready for church, went to the church's Easter egg hunt (which was an hour before church service and lasted maybe 10 minutes) then the boys went to their Sunday school class room to play with the other kids. I socialized with some friends who go to the Church and then we enjoyed a nice church service. After that it was home to make lunch and change and then off to a family friend's house to socialize and find plastic Easter eggs. After we were there for a few hours I had to go by work for a little bit then we had to drive to the in laws for Easter dinner and the family Easter celebration. Also to hide eggs over and over again for the boys to find. If you ask the boys what Easter is about they say Jesus which I am glad to hear instead of egg hunting or something. After that we came home got ready for bed and helped the boys say their nightly prayers. All and all it was a good weekend, even if it was a busy one. I will leave you with a picture of the boys bounty of plastic eggs from the Easter egg hunt at a family friends. Have a great week everybody!

23 April 2011

Happy Easter!

              That's right I have been lazy on my blogging. Busy in life though. Enjoyed a lovely two week vacation the first two weeks of April. Went to Sunny California for two weeks. Visited Disneyland, California Adventure, Universal Studios, Sea World and the San Diego Zoo. Stay at a couple resorts and had a blast. Maybe I will blog more about that another time. Now onto the rest of my post.
              Where I leave it's not officially Easter Sunday for like 8 minutes but I will just steadily ignore that detail. The only reason I am up is I finished making the cake for Easter dinner with my in-laws. I was assigned the dessert. I was shocked. Not because I can't bake, I think I bake rather well and J'adore baking. It's my understanding other people like my baking too. The thing is DH Aunt is a baker, an amazing baker and she always makes the desserts. Do to a sad twist of fate in the form of an illness said Aunt is cooking most of the rest of Easter dinner. So Aunt asked DH is I could make the dessert. (So I wasn't really assigned it but its not like DH asked me before he said yes) I am thrilled to make the dessert like I said I LOVE baking. So I made this chocolate buttermilk cake, yum with these amazing chocolate cream cheese frosting double yum. So so amazing. I got the frosting recipe from the Cupcake Project's blog. If you have the time you should check it out and if you don't have the time check it out later.  So the cake well let me tell you about it then so you a completed picture. Yes there's more details!
                 So, I contemplated making a cake in the shape of a lamb or a chick and just couldn't talk myself into it. So I went easy. I thought it turned out cute. It's a peeps sunflower cake I saw it on some website (don't remember which one) and decided to make it. I think they used a white or yellow cake or something.  But not me I went chocolate all the way.

                    I think it turned out pretty well. I was going to set the chips all nice and neat but I am getting tired so I just tossed them on. The peeps seem to be bailing off the cake but I still think it's cute. Once again HAPPY EASTER!

15 March 2011

One Week

         Last Tuesday was the last day I had coffee. Oh how I miss it. Today will mark a week in which I have been coffee less. I know it is self inflicted for Lent but still oh how I miss it. It's not just the caffeine of it all because I can have caffeine in other forms but it is the taste and since I drink it breve (with half and half) it is nice and smooth (not to mention fattening). I will move on past my thoughts of coffee now or I will just wax on about it's wonderfulness and miss all that much more. Sigh.
        DH got his new shift bid today, they change something like every six months, boo. He will be moving from swing shift Thursday Friday off to day shift Monday Tuesday off, yay! More family time as a family unit. Yay! Kind of causing chaos for a vacation plans, boo. It will be okay, we will figure it out and make it work. I hope all of you are have a decent week thus far. I bid you adieu and leave you with a picture of what our sunrises here look like (because I think it's pretty).

08 March 2011

Happy Fat Tuesday!

                             It's Fat Tuesday!! Laissez le Bon temp rouler!! (lay-zay lay bon ton role-ay)
Let the good times roll!! Happy Mardi Gras everybody! I hope you enjoy your last day of the Festival of Carnival. As I am sure you all know the Festival of Carnival celebrates the ending of winter and the coming of spring and that Mardi Gras is only one day of the Festival of Carnival; that's right Fat Tuesday; today. Unfortunately I am still sick with the flu or something (no fun) so I haven't done any feasting this Carnival and I don't see that changing tonight.
                        Tomorrow as any catholic out there know is Ash Wednesday and therefore the first day of Lent. For anybody who might not know Lent is a time of sacrifice for Jesus. The traditional purpose of Lent is the preparation of the believer through prayer, penitence, almsgiving and self-denial. Lent last for about 46 days from Ash Wednesday (tomorrow) until the Holy Saturday (also known as the Saturday before Easter).
                      While I am not a strong catholic by any stretch or the imagination I do celebrate (can I call it celebrating???) Lent every year. I do not go all vegetarian for Lent. Nor am I giving up chocolate or something I don't really eat anyways. This year I am giving up coffee for Lent. Scary? Yes I know it is. I have a strong relationship with my coffee I love my coffee but in the true spirit of self-denial I will be giving up coffee for 46 days this year. Wish me luck and strength in this endeavor. One more look at the lovely wonderful thing I will be giving up.

                              On another note I believe I might make benyas for tomorrow if I am feeling better. My coworker suggested I make some, she said it was too much of a fuss for her to make some. So I if I am feeling better tonight I will mix up some benyas and put them into the fridge to chill over night and be fried up and drenched in powder sugar in the morning.. Yummy yummy benyas. If you haven't ever had some benyas I really do recommend them. And I disagree that they are a fuss to make.

04 March 2011

Day 9869

                I have be officially told to stay out of the laundry room and the family room until it is finished. No I didn't do anything to mess anything up. DH decided he didn't need or want my help. Which I am not going to complain about. All the new drywall is up and taped (yay!) or so I am told since I haven't ventured back there (see I can follow directions). So I am guessing but next he will mud sand and all that fun stuff. Then spray texture, primer and paint. After that he will tile (because I refuse to let him tile then paint) and put in the cabinets. Originally this was all going to be completed by the end of this weekend but DH and DS1 woke up sick this morning. Hopefully it is only a 24hr bug but I guess we will see tomorrow. This does mean the two rooms won't be done until next weekend. DH has Thursdays and Fridays off. Since he doesn't want my help it will just sit there until he feels well enough to finish it. Don't worry DH isn't doing it all alone, my FIL will help him if he needs/wants it. I think he wants me me to be amazed by how great it looks completed. I am just looking forward to decorating it. :)
                I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and that nobody in your homes are ill.

28 February 2011

Today makes day 9865

      I haven't posted in awhile but I don't really have any readers so no harm no foul I guess. What has happened lately, we had to redo all of our plumbing in the laundry room. Shame on whomever did the plumbing to start with it for doing it WRONG. Sigh. Thanks to all the water being there it means replacing the floor and the drywall and insulation (which wasn't much there to start with. But it does have all new correctly done plumbing now. While most of our house has real oak floors our bathroom, kitchen and dining room are tile. This whole house has become a complete gut job, unfortunately we didn't gut it and redo it all before moving in ( which I now really wish we would have, and any future remodel job if we will live there it will be after the gut job). Of course we didn't realize at the time that everything would have to be redone, including plumbing and electrical. DH has been doing most of the work, but he is kind of sick of it and the mess it causes while remodeling stresses him out. He is one of those people who is happiest in a clean orderly house with everything in its space. Preferable with somebody else doing that cleaning and putting things in place. So this is turning into a long and stressful process for everybody except maybe the kids. They seen unfazed by it all.  Which is a good thing.
        We went away for a long weekend. Stayed at a resort in the mountains, it was nice and peaceful. We had a lot of fun and came back uninjured. Which is always a plus. My birthday came and passed, I am now another year older and I am pretty sure being 27 makes me officially in my late twenties. Which doesn't seem much different then my mid twenties. I need to unload a lot of baby stuff we accumulated after having two kids. I am not sure if I should sale some of it on craigslist or have a yard sale or just take it all to goodwill. We already gave away the crib and the bassinet. We still have the stroller, car seats (which I am not sure if we can really do anything with them), jumper, excersaucers (yes we have like two of them), infant and toddler toys, high chairs and not to mention clothes and shoes galore. I have tried giving stuff away but it seems that most of my friends want to buy new stuff. Which to me seems crazy. We did buy a decent chunk of our stuff new. And a few things I wouldn't even consider getting used. Baby stuff can be very spendy.
          I hope that life is treating all of you well. Life is going decently for us here, even if it is a bit stressful at times.

14 February 2011



10 February 2011

45 Life Lessons

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.

2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.

3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone...

4. Your job won't take are of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.

7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.

8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.

9. Save for retirement starting with your first pay check.

10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.

11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.

12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.

13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.

14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.

15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.

16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.

17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.

18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.

19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.

20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.

21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion, today is special.

22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.

23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.

24. The most important sex organ is the brain.

25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.

26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words 'In five years, will this matter?'

27. Always choose life.

28. Forgive everyone and everything.

29. What other people think of you is none of your business.

30. Time heals almost everything. Give it time.

31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.

32. Don't take yourself seriously, no one else does.

33. Believe in miracles.

34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.

35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative -- dying young.

37. Your children get only one childhood.

38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.

39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.

40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

42. The best is yet to come.

43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.

44. Yield.

45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.

06 January 2011

Self Inflicted Torture

         That's right I am now inflicting torture upon myself. I am back doing the gym thing. This times sans DH. He ditched me to work out with some guy friends a few months back. For awhile I stuck with the going to the gym thing solo but I hated it. I don't like the gym, I dislike it more so alone. Which resulted in me slacking off on the whole exercising thing. Aside from the small amount of yoga I did here (which isn't really fat burning exercise). So back to the self inflicted torture.. I will be going to the gym and taking aerobics classes. The two classes I want to take is the PUMP class and the Zumba class. (I added links to some YouTube videos of those types of  classes in case people didn't know what it was and wanted to check it out.)Which just happen to be back to back. Two hours for exercise in a row (they are an hour each). See torture, my body will think I hate it. Which since in a way I do I guess it would be right. The plan is to attend the classes three days a week. The girl who is nice enough to attend the classes with me wants to try the Turbo Kick (another YouTube video link) class and since she is doing the 2 straight hours of exercise, three days a week with crazy me. I can take the one hour turbo kick class 2 days a week (they fall on different days than the PUMP and Zumba class).  Eight hours of exercise a week should make me be fit in no time or kill me. Now she might not stick to booth the Zumba and PUMP class (heck I might not stick to it) or she might not like the Turbo Kick class (even if I hate it I will stick it out since she doesn't want to do it alone and she is attending the other two with me and she isn't looking forward to Zumba). So wish me luck. This isn't a new years resolution for me. I want to be healthier and skinner. I think the main motivator is I want to be closer to my pre-pregnancy size. I realize I will never be a size zero again but I would love to be closer to it.

05 January 2011


                 I am sure I mentioned in a previous post that I was planning on drawing some pictures for our guest room. The thing is DH is against me hanging anything up and decorating in any way that doesn't involve nothing on white walls. It drives me nuts. So I have drawn a few pictures. I thought I would put them in black frames and hang them up in some order (or maybe hang them up with a complete disregard to any kind of order). Step one was to draw them and I had 11 days off so why not. Of course there was Christmas in there and New Years and I was home with a two year old and a four year old. Not to mention all the things that come with running a household. So I had intended to take pictures at various stages of these drawings. Total fail. There are two that are pictures of the drawings incomplete (but that's because I haven't finished them).

I feel that this one isn't complete but I am not sure what to put in there more flowers maybe?

obviously not completed like I told my friend right now it looks like gibberish to me at the moment not sure how it will turn out...
       So now I have six drawings at various stages of completion, not sure if I will draw more. As it is I am not sure if I will even use all the ones I have done thus far. I wanted to draw something that wasn't abstract but wasn't a landscape or faces. So I went for something of a henna vibe and now DH and my cousin says that they would make awesome tattoos. Which with a henna vibe I guess the would but now DH isn't 100% on me using them to decorate the guest room with them. Oh well I guess we will see were it goes from here.