28 February 2011

Today makes day 9865

      I haven't posted in awhile but I don't really have any readers so no harm no foul I guess. What has happened lately, we had to redo all of our plumbing in the laundry room. Shame on whomever did the plumbing to start with it for doing it WRONG. Sigh. Thanks to all the water being there it means replacing the floor and the drywall and insulation (which wasn't much there to start with. But it does have all new correctly done plumbing now. While most of our house has real oak floors our bathroom, kitchen and dining room are tile. This whole house has become a complete gut job, unfortunately we didn't gut it and redo it all before moving in ( which I now really wish we would have, and any future remodel job if we will live there it will be after the gut job). Of course we didn't realize at the time that everything would have to be redone, including plumbing and electrical. DH has been doing most of the work, but he is kind of sick of it and the mess it causes while remodeling stresses him out. He is one of those people who is happiest in a clean orderly house with everything in its space. Preferable with somebody else doing that cleaning and putting things in place. So this is turning into a long and stressful process for everybody except maybe the kids. They seen unfazed by it all.  Which is a good thing.
        We went away for a long weekend. Stayed at a resort in the mountains, it was nice and peaceful. We had a lot of fun and came back uninjured. Which is always a plus. My birthday came and passed, I am now another year older and I am pretty sure being 27 makes me officially in my late twenties. Which doesn't seem much different then my mid twenties. I need to unload a lot of baby stuff we accumulated after having two kids. I am not sure if I should sale some of it on craigslist or have a yard sale or just take it all to goodwill. We already gave away the crib and the bassinet. We still have the stroller, car seats (which I am not sure if we can really do anything with them), jumper, excersaucers (yes we have like two of them), infant and toddler toys, high chairs and not to mention clothes and shoes galore. I have tried giving stuff away but it seems that most of my friends want to buy new stuff. Which to me seems crazy. We did buy a decent chunk of our stuff new. And a few things I wouldn't even consider getting used. Baby stuff can be very spendy.
          I hope that life is treating all of you well. Life is going decently for us here, even if it is a bit stressful at times.

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