30 September 2010

Day 9713

           As for the title that is how many days old I am today. Man the number of days makes me feel even older. Oh well. Anyways moving right along. The gym is still lame, and since I refuse to diet and give up carbs I am making little progress, oh well que sera sera I can wear my wedding ring without cutting of circulation and not having to pay over $200 to have it sized up (yay!), my pants are a little loose but not loose enough to change the size I wear unless I want that oh so unflattering muffin look. Sigh. Life is currently full of stress not just at work but also on the personal front. But alas that is life and I strive to make the best of it and not dwell on the negative. Which sometimes I fail miserably at. I am so ready to sale my house and move. I want to decorate but DH says no. No decorating that might put holes in the walls, not decorating because our next place might not work with the same decorations. I am tired of sad white walls. DH says I can decorate our next plaxe however I want. But for now I am stuck with the blank canvas that is the walls of our house.  *insert unhappy sigh here*
           Moving right along we went to the uproar concert last weekend, it was tons of fun. Even won a hat and a tanktop. DH met his favorite band Disturbed and also met Stone Sour. An event that is wasted on me. I can care less if somebody is famous and a certainly don't  want to meet them for the sole reason they are famous. Don't get me wrong I like their music I just don't want/need their john hancocks. But all in all it was fun, got a few bruises from the pit. Now I never have any intention of moshing and yet everytime we go to a rock concert I end up standing where the mosh pit starts. It's like I am drawn to the locale like a moth to a flame. At one point I could have lifted both feet off from the ground and still not fallen. I feel like I understand what sardines feel like when they are packed into cans. Good thing I am not clausterphobic right?
              We are trying to potty train our 2 year old he is having none of it. Once and awhile he will us the potty the rest of the time he just tells us No his is not a big boy he is the baby and wants his diapers. Gah. Our 3 year old when we potty trained him as soon as he was in big boy undies he was right on it, he has had 2 accidents and sleeps through the night getting up to us the bathroom. I understand we were lucky with him and that it doesn't normally work this way but I am at a loss on what to do to convince my 2 yr old he wants to try using the potty  on a regular basis.. Any suggestions? I am open to all suggestions. Whether I take them reminds to be seen but I am open to hearing them. I hope all is well in all of your lives (that is if anybody is reading).


  1. We are very close in age. Interesting. I am on Day 9535

  2. So Ruby that would mean your birthday is end of Jan beginning of Feb right? It makes reading your blog that much more interesting. (Reading about somebody who is close to my age and their life)
