30 January 2010

Donations? Anybody?

           You ever get those annoying calls of people asking you for money? The worst is always after you've donated to a cause once. It's unbelievably hard to get of those calling lists. Every couple of months my phone rings. And I tell them all that same thing I am not interested if I choose to donate money again, not to worry I will do it without their calls. Please take me off your calling list and don't call again, thank you. And then about 20 minutes later my phone rings again somebody for the same organization with the same spill and this time I am slightly more annoyed because not even an hour earlier I had requested to be taken off the list. So this time I am slighty less friendly or polite. And of course it's not this new persons fault they are either doing their job or trying to get money for something they believe in. So every couple months for about a week I get calls over and over again from the same charities looking for money. No matter how often I request to no longer get those calls that I would donate when and IF I choose to, that I don't need there reminding of the charities. I obviously am quite aware they exist if I donated in the past. Especially when the past wasn't even a year ago. I almost want to change my numbers and never donate again. Unless it's done by given them no information at all, like a cash only donation.
           On a side note to my rant about calls for money. The last few days of the week really sucked. There was major drama at work on thursday and my dad fell ill the same day. The drama had to be dealt with by management. Why? Because we all couldn't be grown ups about it and needed a mediator. Go figure. I guess no matter how far away from high school some people get they mentally are stuck in that maturity range. Oh well que sera sera. My dad is doing better so all is good I guess in that front and life will proceed much the same as ever. It's tax season and we have all of our W-2's but we are still waiting on the 1099 or whatever it is from our mortgage company, then it's time to do the tax forms. My husband in all of his wisdom wants to send the taxes out this year. It might have to do with the fact that I was rather less then nice about it last year when he decided to "help" by moving half the papers when I told him I needed him to sign them and then forgetting where he moved them to.  Maybe I should jump at sending them to his dad's accountant this year, less stress for me. Besides if we sale this house this year I doubt I will want to deal with the taxes next year. Well, I am going to take my boys and go visit their papa.  Here is hoping to a nice uneventful weekend and a peaceful week this coming week.


  1. Hi Channy,

    I hope the stuff at work works out for the best or at least in that hope, and best wishes for the health of pop....

    I have a pink award, and happiness is attached to it as a tag, I hope you will click over and take it and share it....


  2. Thank you for the best wishes and everything Jesse. I appericate it. The stuff at work I've decided to try to ignore to the best of my ability as long as it doesn't affect my work, I figure it's not my problem, self centered? Maybe but I am okay with that. :) Oh and thanks about the pink award with happiness attached as a tag.
