29 July 2010
Friend Test
Would you pass the Friend Test? Seriously would you? Take a look around at everybody you call a friend, even the ones you call a friend only when they are around. Now ask yourself am I a real friend to all these people. Now if the answer to that is yes that's great. If it's not maybe some of those people should cut you out of their lives. Harsh? Maybe. Honest? Yes. Now out of these people you call "friends" how many of them are real friends to you? Okay, now the ones that are, great. The ones that aren't maybe you should cut them out. Okay now your saying to yourself, I can't be a real friend to everybody all the time. Umm why not? If they are your friend shouldn't you be their friend. And this doesn't mean talking to them all the time, doing every favor they ask, hang out all the time. But it does mean doing what you say you'll do, doing favors you agree to do, and being there when they truly honestly need you. Like say they fall break their leg and need a ride to the hospital, you have a car, you aren't doing anything but it's inconvenient to drive over and take them. Well too bad you'd want your friend to do it for you, so by goodness do it for them. Now if you are 300 miles away you can't really do that. You are stuck at work and can't leave or you something, fine. But not just because it inconveniences you. Now your saying I don't want to cut out the people I am not really a friend to but they are a true friend to me. That's right why cut out the person you are using to help you out in life. They are willing to take the friendship without me being a real friend why should I change that? Short answer, because it'd be the right thing to do DUH. If you don't want to put the effort forth to be their friend don't but don't call them your friend when it's convenient to you. Now people probably won't cut out the people who are there for them even if they are there for those people in return. So the people out there busted their butt being friends with somebody who can't bother truly being your friend, STOP. I am not saying you shouldn't help people when they need help. But there is no reason to drop your plans or rearrange your life for somebody who only has something to do with you when they want something. Why should you be the only one putting forth the effort? There are always exceptions and always times people don't live up to your expectations, and when you won't live up to theirs. And that's fine, that's life and you have to understand that. But when they never live up to it, don't lower your expectations, move on. And if the only live up to it when they think your aren't going to be their friend if they don't. I think I'd have a heart to heart with them and then walk away if they can't really be my friend. Now there are the friends where you just naturally drift apart, that's fine and that is life also. You don't have to write them off. You can make the effort to be friends and if they want to make the effort great. If not well.....
24 July 2010
"25 things about me"
I follow Cash Only Living, it's one of the three blogs that I really make sure I follows, others I follow and when I have a decent chunk of downtime and desire to do so I will go to where I last read and read up to the current point. Anyways taking the cue from Cash Only Living's current post I thought it would be fun. So this is my "25 things about me" post. Which are hopefully 25 things about me that you didn't already know.
- I have not finished college but am hoping to finish a degree now. Which of course isn't the degree that I was going for when I finished high school. It was going to be a psychology degree and now it's going to be a chemistry degree. I say hoping because between working fulltime and being a fulltime mom and wife, school is hard to fit in.
- I am slightly dyslexic. I say slightly because well I've learned how to cope with it and it is not a major roadblock to me in my life. I just have to focus harder on somethings then other people might. And this is not information I tell just anybody and everybody (though I seem to be doing it now). And it is only mild dyslexia not severe and not all encompassing. I just can't really read maps and I takes me time to figure out left and right. I also hold my pen "incorrectly" but I have lovely handwriting (or so I have been told a lot of times). I used to write with my head right next to the paper, but I outgrew that also.
- I LOVE to read. Wouldn't have thought this post would follow the other post would you have?
- I am a certifiable genius. You know mensa and the whole bit.
- I am a huge lover of the outdoors. Except dealing with spiders, I loathe spiders. But as long as they don't get too close to me, I can deal.
- I enjoy water activities but I don't know how to swim. Well I "know" how to swim, I understand it logistically but when it comes to applying it to real life, I panic. I almost drown once when I was like 5 and since then I am fine as long as I can touch the bottom with my head above the water, am on top of the water or in a life jacket (usually). All other times I panic and will drown myself if somebody doesn't save me. Not rational I know but what fear is?
- I love to bake and cook. Though I get stressed out if the timing isn't prefect or if it doesn't turn out prefect.
- I don't like being in large crowds or with lots of people for any real period of time. Though I used to do it when I would go party (I have never done drugs or smoked).
- I am the proud mother of to little boys. I really wanted a daughter. We are done having kids and I would never trade my boys for anything. But I am still disappointed in not having a daughter.
- I love to dance, jazz, ballet, hip hop.
- My favorite animal would be a horse. And one day I will have a horse again.
- I love animals but am not sure I want a pet. To me having a pet is like having another child and since my kids are 3 and 2 I am not looking for another "baby" at this time.
- I can draw well but I can't paint worth beans.
- I enjoy sewing and designing clothes and costumes. I would never do this for a living, it falls in my to relax and enjoy section of life.
- I want to write a good book. Maybe not good in anybody else's opinion but good in mine. Maybe even get it published.
- I love to travel and go do things but not alone. Maybe it pathetic but I find things more fun with a friend or somebody you care about.
- I do NOT buy into the organic craze. Please don't try to convert me I am well versed on the topic. And while somethings might be a bit healthier not all things.
- I adore horror flicks but I like chick flicks too.
- I have a Twilight opinion. I know those books aren't great literary works or anything. But I did enjoy reading them. (and yes I admit I watch the movies (though they are NOT as good as the books)) And I think the HEALTHIER choice would've been for her to pick Jacob. Really crawling in some chick's window (who's blood you want to drain) and watching her sleep is NOT romantic it is CREEPY. In my humble opinion. But the question is what is wrong with them she is selfish and whiny. Didn't once think about her family in her decision to become a Cullen did she? Okay ending my tirade now. lol
- I loathe running and the gym. Hiking I will do happily, tennis, riding a bike outdoors, I am good with. Stick me in a building with lots of equipment (most I still don't know how to use) I hate it.
- I have PTSD. The details on why I do I am keeping to myself or well at least out of my blog.
- The shortest job I ever held lasted 3 months. And yes I quit, I am proud to say I have never been fired (yet and hopefully ever).
- I know sign language. I have since I was a little girl, my grandma was deaf.
- I am bilingual. It's just english and french. Not english and spanish which is what people are looking for in the area I live. (And pay quite well for also). I can speak italian, german and spanish but I am not fluent in any of them.
- I have known my husband since we were six. We rode the same bus, lived down the street from each other. We did not date until we were like 19.
20 July 2010
Yes I know I am very lazy, I haven't been blogging as I should. So still doing the gym thing, still hating the gym thing. Feeling no closer to my goal. Sigh oh well one day maybe. Lets see since the last time I have blogged. I found a blue metal bunkbed on craigslist for $50.00, score. Way cheaper then the 800 to 1000 for a new one. Then we purchased two new mattresses for $99.00 each. Not a bad price I don't think. $248 in total is still cheaper then $800 plus the mattresses. The boys love the bunkbeds also. My SIL and her kids stayed with us or two weeks. I love my SIL and my nieces but two weeks is too long for my sanity with 4 kids 3 and under in age. Can you say loud? They will probably visit again and stay with us again but I am thinking not longer than a week until they are older.
Work is crazy hectic. Ah joys of an ag related job. On top of our normal hectic summer work load we got around 200 research samples of these funky soils. So now we are uber busy for the week. And I get to go into work early on friday. Yay overtime. Lol. Even though we are busy it doesn't feel as busy as it did when I first started this. The weather is beautiful here but too hot in my humble opinion. I am more of a never about 90 kind of person. Oh well maybe one day.
Work is crazy hectic. Ah joys of an ag related job. On top of our normal hectic summer work load we got around 200 research samples of these funky soils. So now we are uber busy for the week. And I get to go into work early on friday. Yay overtime. Lol. Even though we are busy it doesn't feel as busy as it did when I first started this. The weather is beautiful here but too hot in my humble opinion. I am more of a never about 90 kind of person. Oh well maybe one day.
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