20 July 2010


         Yes I know I am very lazy, I haven't been blogging as I should. So still doing the gym thing, still hating the gym thing. Feeling no closer to my goal. Sigh oh well one day maybe. Lets see since the last time I have blogged. I found a blue metal bunkbed on craigslist for $50.00, score. Way cheaper then the 800 to 1000 for a new one. Then we purchased two new mattresses for $99.00 each. Not a bad price I don't think. $248 in total is still cheaper then $800 plus the mattresses.  The boys love the bunkbeds also. My SIL and her kids stayed with us or two weeks. I love my SIL and my nieces but two weeks is too long for my sanity with 4 kids 3 and under in age. Can you say loud? They will probably visit again and stay with us again but I am thinking not longer than a week until they are older.
        Work is crazy hectic. Ah joys of an ag related job. On top of our normal hectic summer work load we got around 200 research samples of these funky soils. So now we are uber busy for the week. And I get to go into work early on friday. Yay overtime. Lol. Even though we are busy it doesn't feel as busy as it did when I first started this. The weather is beautiful here but too hot in my humble opinion. I am more of a never about 90 kind of person. Oh well maybe one day.

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