Today has a lot of annoying points at least. I hate it when people try to rush through something and make multiple mistakes that they wouldn't have made if they took the time to do it right the first. (Which in the end after all the mistakes they made doing it right the first time would've been faster). Gah. I especially hate it when it directly effects me.. Work today was luke warm. Around here that's a grea tthing. I will take a drama free day at work any day. It was actually busier than last monday still much slower then the mondays prior. Ah must mean the season is wrapping up. Pretty soon all the potatoes will be harvested, along with mass majority of the onions and on to the corn. We are still waiting to see if we pick up with apple leaves and the such. I am feeling rather indifferent on the matter. Some days being busy with work is great, other days i like a more mellow flow. But come december when the ground is frozen and we have no work to do I will be wishing for samples. (Maybe we will have some research samples this winter).
I still have a decent chunk of PTO for the rest of the year. It's a use it or lose thing, you can roll one work week worth of PTO over to the next year, and I will probably roll over close to (if not all of that) this year. Next year I will probably use all my PTO. The goal is to go overseas for about a month next year. Go to Scotland, Ireland, Paris, London, Germany, probably not all of those places but at least a few. My sister will be stationed in either London or Germany, so largely we will be taking the kids and going to see her and such. We are going to have to get a house sitter for that time though. I don't like the idea of nobody being at the house for 4 weeks. We will have to see though, her orders are set in stone yet and we aren't sure when we would be going. I tell you this though we are going somewhere next year. If not overseas at least on a cruise. Maybe the Rockboat. We had some friends who went this last year, they said it was fun. And we enjoyed our cruise.
The boys are still growing like weeds. They wear the same size right now, which is convenient and at the same time not. Nothing like a three year old and a two year old fighting over how gets to wear the choo choo shirt or the cars shirt or complaining the other is wearing their shirt. We usually let them pick out their own clothes (which can look pretty weird at times). Though sometimes I just decide what they are going to wear, sometimes DH decides without consulting them also. Though in DH case sometimes you can't tell the difference between what they pick at times and what he picks at times. Oh well, I am probably just to nit-picky about it.
My SIL and her two girls are staying with us for another week. They got in today (while I was at work). But DH said they were arriving and without any mishaps on they way here, thank goodness. My SIL's husband won't be here for the major part of the duration, he has to work but he is here for tonight. At least they only live about 2.5 hours from here. The boys get to see their cousins multiple times a year, which is nice. Besides I know DH likes seeing his sister. So for the week I will have a house with 4 (yes count them, 4) kids ages 3 and younger. We must be insane to do this. It's not the first time they've stayed with us for a visit. They stayed last month for 2 weeks. So my house is clean right now, by the end of the week it will not be as clean as it is. It won't be trashed but as you can imagine 4 toddlers can do a number on a house.
Speaking of in laws, my BIL will be back on thursday night. DH is happy that his brother will be back. And not just because he babysits for us so we can go to the gym together. Have I mentioned lately I loathe the gym? If not, I do, I loathe it. Anyway returning to my orginal thought process (or as close as I can get to it). They are appearently doing the laundry room this weekend to complete finish, trim and all. Or so DH claims, I don't think BIL knows yet. Lol. DH hates doing trim, I think he would pay somebody else to do the trim if I would let him. But no I am a cheapskate like that and won't. Not that he has asked. I do not think his plan will come to fruition this weekend, since we have that concert on friday night and we are taking the kiddos to see the animals at the fair on saturday. So yeah, unless he can do it all on Sunday or choses to let SIL and me take the kids by ourselves (which I would rather not have the kids out number use 2 to 1 in huge crowds of people). But we will see. I know DH is uber excited about the concert. Me? Not so much. Don't get me wrong I am sure it will be lots of fun and all. But really I would be okay never going to any concert. I love music but music live isn't more amazing (imo) then it is recorded. But concerts are fun, and occassionally I go to them. DH will go to a Disturbed concert if there is one in a 14 hour radius of where we are at. Not saying he does but he would if I would agree to the costs involved. Which I won't. Because once again I am a cheapskate.
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