23 October 2010

Day 9736

Don't be deceived by the picture this area is sorely lacking trees.
They aren't native to the area but this farmer or somebody planted them.
       Today we (DH and I) took the boys to the pumpkin patch and on a hay ride. They loved it. We took some pictures of them on the hay bales with pumpkins and scarecrows. But as a terrible mother that I am no pictures of them no the hay ride or in the patch picking their pumpkins. Oh well, next year right?? DS1 picked his pumpkin and carried it all by himself. DS2 not so much. In the end fun was had by all and we spent way too  much for 4 pumpkins we picked out of the field ourselves. But when I look at it as $20 (don't judge me for a flagrant disregard of financial smarts savvy) for they hay ride (which technically was free) and the boys' joy of getting to go pick their own pumpkins I say it was $20 well spent in my opinion. Besides it was fun much more fun then the buying them from the store right? And at least I know they are locally grown.... Anyways I can live with the extra $8 it cost us. The $8 is merely a guess based on an amount given during a discussion by a coworker as I have not paid any attention to the cost of pumpkins at the store myself.
               Next year DH says we are growing our own pumpkins.. I scoffed at him. While I work at an ag lab and have the science down and the knowledge of how to do this growing thing, I am not a gardener. Not even by the slightest amount of imagination. My flowerbeds have wild flowers planted in them. Why? Simple because I am not a gardner but love pretty flowers. And I did the dig out all the old stuff from the previous owner and the till in the potting soil/fertilizer needed, depended on what was needed (see I said I got the science part down.. Lol) I put the seeds in and water for germination and was done with it. Much to the disappointment of my husband. 
Aren't my wildflowers pretty? And low maintenance...
      Don't get me wrong I love getting home grown veggies and fruits from DH's grandma and my lovely friend/coworker. And I even enjoy canning and making of stuff like jam and applesauce. But alas I am busy (yes a cop out I know I know) and am not really in the mood to be a gardener. DH would love it if we had a garden like his grandma's with veggies and fruits and such. And while it might not take a whole lot of work it would take a decent amount of work because I would insist on doing it the "right way". The "right way" being my way of course. You know taking to soil probe and getting a sample have it tested and then onto the soil amendments based on crop. And I mean each item we planted not the general veggie amendment (though based on each item planted is OVERKILL and I know it)that would suffice and be quite accurate. There would be no random adding of this and that and then when it didn't or did grow being like oh I am glad or disappointed or whatever that we did/didn't do such and such. That's right I would be all crazy lady insane overzealous about it. And I just don't have the energy for that at this time in my life, little lone the desire for it. I hear you thinking then do it but don't be all psychotic about it. Sorry I refuse to do that it would drive me nuts and I am already crazy quirky enough as it is. So for now my gardening will be wildflowers and lawns only. I tell anybody who thinks I need to be gardening the same thing I told DH if you want it done so bad do it yourself because I am not doing it right now.
                In other news today was a slow day, I did some cleaning and laundry. I was lazy after our friends left last night and did not do all the cleaning up. For shame, I know. But I remedy that today, yay me, right? lol. And my so not a fall flower bouquet is back on the table where it belongs. Again don't judge, I like bright cheery flowers and they were at the store on sale (go figure). So I got them and did a cheery bouquet, which DH teased me about. I guess the next one will need to be season appropriate. Shucks. I was lazy and didn't feel like cooking lunch so we had pizza much to the boys delight. To their disappointment I wouldn't let them have it for dinner also. I will not do two unbalanced meals in a day, I refuse. I try to avoid even one but some days I fail on that and they get something like pizza. Sigh, so so very unhealthy but oh so yummy. As the evil mommy I am I even made them eat extra broccoli and cauliflower for dinner. Muhahaha. Seriously though, I must have done something right both my children love fruits and veggies, they will even pick them over other foods (even candy). They even ate their steaks like good little children.. Sometimes they are resistant to eating meat. Don't worry I don't force feed my children. But they understand that in this house I am not a personal chef to make multiple different dinners to cater to their every whim. Oh the horrors.. My oldest even says when he doesn't want to eat what we made for dinner or lunch or something "it in the fridge I will eat it later when I whine that I am hungry" Maybe we've told him a time or two before that if he refused to eat it we aren't making him something else he can just eat it later when he whines that he is hungry. I may have even followed through on the threat a time or too.. Ah such a mean mommy am I...
       So now the little ones are suppose to be in bed for the night... I've already put them back into bed at least half a dozen times between the two of them. DH is at work and I just want some me time to relax. Me time would be drink a glass of red wine (or iced passion tea) in one of the  pretty glasses my sister bought me for Christmas the year before last. So pretty.. That's right my sister is awesome and I am so lucky. You know you are jealous. ;) Along with this wine or tea I plan to read the rest of the blog that I found via my friend/coworker. I enjoy reading her writing. You all should check out her blog.
Looks like this but only a wine glass..
I know I should take a picture of mine but I don't want to at this time.

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